Friday, May 30, 2014

Wild Ones's future

Okay so, where to begin.

Wild Ones was created by Aescha to welcome people looking for a place with nice members, and enjoy the game altogether.
However there are differences of opinion as to how the FC should be led.

I participated in the leadership, taking the reins while Aescha was away (she's moving to another state), trying to make it a comfy place for everyone.

Now, some members aren't satisfied with how things go, and wish to recreate the FC anew with its current members.
I can't really blame them, me residing in a different timezone makes it difficult to attend to everyone's needs. And Aescha is away for now, wich leaves the guild with roughly a demi leader instead of two.


I don't really know for sure when Aescha is going to return, nor if i can keep up with the monthly subscription forever. Eventually, there might be no leader at all.
Now Don offers to create a new FC.

Everyone moving to this new FC wouldn't change much, we'd be the same group, same members.
The only real issue is the exp invested in Wild Ones. Indeed, starting over trully means starting over, back to rank 1.

So here you have it, the status of the FC.

Basically everyone have a choice here:
1) Stay in Wild Ones, with Aescha coming back eventually and me maybe not being able to lead forever
2) Join Don, who proposes a solid leadership and already provided Wild Ones with a lot (many member invites, help and support)

It's roughly a simple transfer of our group. Even i will most likely move and possibly Aescha too.

For those who wish to stay in Wild Ones, there will be more infos when Aescha comes back online and decides about the future of the FC.

That's about it.
Hopefully this could make some light on the whole story, as i know this can confuse many members.
I hope it's not too much trouble.

See ya'll on the battlefield

   - Lanelle

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Wild Ones Blog: Beastmen Tribes page complete!

The Beastmen Tribes section of the blog is now functionnal and full of all there is to know about beastmen: What to do and where, where to find the precious dye you've always wanted, what can be bought off a beastman vendor, and what these goodies look like (if you wonder what the kobold ride looks like or if the sylphic furniture pieces glow in the dark, it's right here!)

Time to do my beastmen dailies. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Ultimate Crest

Ultimate as in there wont be any other changes.

Indeed, following the opinion of members and seeing how the votes were separated in more or less equal amounts between both choices A and B, it has been decided that both would be merged together into one unique final crest.
So here goes!
Behold Wild One's crest, symbol of unity, of friendship and partnership, composed of colors representing the season of spring (It's in the webbie's header if you missed it... scroll up!)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Titan's Hard Mode illustrated rotation sheet

I posted this somewhere but people bitched and moaned that they had enough rotation sheets as it is, so i guess i'll post it here instead!
People trully are full of love and tolerance. Aaaanyway, here it is.

It helped me so, i'm leaving it here, just in case it could help someone else.
Uh... unless they changed the rotation in 2.2 and i'm unaware of it.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wild Ones rank 5: Company Actions!

Our group is now able to perform Company Actions!
Wednesday, April 30, 2014: Our balance is at 63153 C-Credits (+3897).
Tuesday, April 29, 2014: Our balance is at 59256 C-Credits.

01 - What is a Company Action?    
These actions are perks provided by the OIC Quartermaster (Twin Adders for us) under a fee.
Each C-Action lasts 24 hours only, and provide every member of the free company with a buff that lasts as long.

02 - What is the price?
The price to purchase a C-Action varies from 3290 Company Credits (C-Credits) to 6580 C-Credits.
These credits are earned by the members of the free company through hard work. As such, it shouldn't be spent carelessly.

03 - How to earn Company Credits?
There are several ways to allow your free company to earn C-Credits.
- Gathering HQ Result / Crafting HQ Result:
1 Point: Three or more members online
2 Points: Two members online
3 Points: Single member online
- Fate Completion / Leves Completion / Defeating monsters / Treasure Hunt:
Points scale with the level

04 - Which Actions are availlable?
Here's the list:
The Heat of Battle - Increases EXP earned through battle by 5%
Earth and Water - Increases EXP earned through gathering by 5%
Helping Hand - Increases EXP earned through crafting by 5%
A Man's Best Friend - Increases EXP earned by companions by 5%
Mark Up - Increases Wolf Marks earned by 5%
Seal Sweetener - Increases company seals earned by 5%
Brave New World - Increases the attributes of all Disciples of War or Magic members under level 10 by 10%
Live Off The Land - Increases Gathering by 5
What You See - Increases Perception by 5
Eat From the Hand - Increases Craftmanship by 5
In Control - Increases Control by 5
That Which Binds Us - Increases Spiritbonding speed
Meat and Mead - Increases duration of food effects by 5 minutes
Proper Care - Slows gear wear by 10%
Back on Your Feet - Reduces duration of Weakness after being revived by 10%
Reduced Rates - Reduces teleportation fees by 20%

05 - Wild Ones and Company Actions.
16/05/2014: "The Heat of Battle" (battle Exp earned +5%) Action has been applied daily since the beginning. In order to also let crafters profit off their Company Credits, saturdays' Company Actions have been set as "In Control" (Control increased by 5 points)
30/04/2014: Since yesterday, 3897 Company Credits have been added to the pool. Wich is slightly more than the price of 1 Company Action. If the FC keeps gaining as much, having an Action permanently rolling wouldnt be a problem. All is left is to see which Action would benefit us the most.
29/04/2014: Due to the rarity of the C-Credits, only 1 to 2 Company Actions will be performed, and only on week-ends (for now).
Furthermore, only members with a suffiscent rank (Shiny One, Howling One, Brave Ones) may purchase the Action that will benefit the whole FC (Don't go randomly buying your favorite C-Action on your own, or our hardly earned company credits will dry out quickly).

That is all. See you all on the battlefield!

- Lanelle

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Wild Ones rank 2: Crest Customization

Hi everyone and welcome to the Wild Ones' web page!

Alright. It's a bit difficult to know where to begin so for starters, lets get this thing rolling by inaugurating the webbie's first post with the selection of the Free Company's crest.

Through a good handful of various emblems, two crests have been designed to represent Wild Ones' colors. Naturally, we cannot keep both so how about a poll? Please take a moment to vote for the crest you wish to see as your Free Company's emblem.

Take note that picking a crest will not change the spirit of the Free Company.
A (green/brown/purple) : 5 Votes
B (green/black) : 3 Votes

- Lanelle

Thursday, April 17, 2014: Selection is closed! Thanks for voting everyone!